Sam’s Reports on Devastating Effects on His Family Still In Pakistan
I wanted to inform you that two days before on the 16th, an Islamic extremist group, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (Army of Jhangvi), attacked Christians in Faisalabad, province of Punjab, Pakistan. They burned twenty-one churches on that day, while seven Churches were burnt yesterday in other provinces of Punjab. Yesterday, I collected some video clips of this attack from different channels and made a video that I posted on YouTube today. I’m sharing the link to it:

The Crisis Hits Sam’s Family in Karachi…
Sam writes:
And yesterday, on the 17th, my brother, Abner, got beaten up by some Islamic extremists when he went to open the shop. My father, on a phone call, said that as usual, he went to the shop to get it prepared for the day, and before my father arrived. He said there were six guys from Jamaat-e-Islam (army of Islam) who went there and started threatening him. One of them placed his foot and pressed on Abner’s hand when he was unlocking the shutter. They were stopping him from opening the shop. He said it all started after yesterday’s massive attack.

Part 2 (Update of 2023 08 19)
This morning, Saturday Aug 19, I sent a Facebook message to Sam, as follows:
Abner said:
I pulled my hand from under the man’s foot while trying to stand simultaneously. I placed the keys back in my pocket and said to him, “Okay, I’m leaving”. The man left Abner’s collar and said to Abner, where hmm… [m…rf…r]! Give me your keys and ID. Abner said I gave the keys without saying anything. Because another guy who also had a pistol, collected the shop keys and asked me to hold the id card. He put the keys in his pocket and took his phone to click photos. He took one with my id and the other with me in it holding my id. Then he put the phone in his pocket as well and suddenly punched my face, it hits on my right eyebrow. Another man from the left punched me on my upper lips.
The punches were tough, for a few seconds it was like – I went into a coma. When I got stable, I saw they were all punching me like a punching bag. The good thing was that I stood, they couldn’t fall me on the ground. Then I just joined my hand, keeping my head down, saying sorry again and again, and started walking to the road where my motorbike was parked. They continued to follow me and kicked me several times on my back. And saying things like chanting, get out of here, [m…rf…r]. One man was saying, “Christianity has challenged the honor of Muslims by desecrating the Quran in Sweden. If a Christian desecrates the Quran in another country, the Jamaat-e-Islami, who walk the path of martyrdom, will make Pakistan a hell for Christianity”.