FB Blog Posts
Facebook Blog postings are here for convenience of friends who are not active FB users.
My Reads… and Views… blog is available for FB Friends at www.facebook.com/RonInRegina.
Nature of postings…
- On Facebook, I post reflections from time to time on articles/books (my reading) and video/audio files (my viewing) that may be of interest to others. Most reflect on my continuing interest in the application of Christianity to the complexities of Life. If others find these of some interest, I ll be pleased to hear. Send comments or questions to my email: Ronald.Richmond@sasktel.net
Chronology of postings…
[Most recent postings are at the top here.]
FB19 – Musings on Oneness (The Cottage)
Diana Butler Bass, in her blog The Cottage, explores the prayer of Christ on behalf of his followers, just prior to his crucifixion, that they may be one. The context is the mass shooting incident in … Texas and follows an earlier Facebook posting of a prayer and litany of 64 recent mass shootings in the USA.
FB18 – Review… Tom Holland’s book, Dominion
The primary link here is an article by Timothy Keller on the book, Dominion. Holland, in his book, provides some fascinating insights into the history of Christian, the good and the bad, along with the message that so much of our culture and ways of thinking are due to our Christian heritage. Link provided to free audio version of the book.
FB17 – Reading… The Early Evangelicals
While it may surprise some, Evangelicals were first identified not only as religious revivalists, but as social reformers motivated by deep Christian faith and personal discipline
FB16 – Viewing… Reflections on John Stott as British Evangelical Leader
Prof John Wyatt, and others, reflect on the powerful influence of John Stott in attempting to shape evangelicalism in Britain, America, and worldwide.
FB15 – Reading… Does Forgiveness Do More Harm than Good?
Timothy Keller discusses the different views on forgiveness, and laments that readiness to forgive is in decline in contemporary culture.
FB14 – Reading… If Thy Brother Offends…
The Rector of St. Paul’s Cathedral (Birmingham AL) discusses attitudes and strategies involved in promoting success in bring personal correction within the Christian community.
FB13 – Reading… How to Disagree Well — Paul Graham
Paul Graham helps to promote a higher level of online discussion by categorizing different styles of interaction. Lower levels may criticize people while upper levels focus on content of arguments and reasons to promote them.
FB12 – Reading… The Hole in Our Gospel, by Richard Stearns
- As CEO of World Vision for about 20 years, Stearns speaks of the Gospel and the Kingdom of God in ways that point up deficiencies in much of current practice of the Christian Life.
FB11 – Reflecting… Gaining Wisdom from the Society of Friends
- Recently I discovered the life-style “advices” for members of the Society of Friends. Grounded in the Christian faith, there is much practical wisdom here.
FB10 – Listening… The Warfare State with Col. Lawrence Wilkerson
- Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, a long-standing military man and Republican, critiques America’s phenomenal commitment to external security while alerting his countrymen to phenomenal threats from within.
FB09 – Reflecting… On the Morning After the DC Insurrection
- Sojourners quotes Valarie Kaur as Voice of the day: “Sound government is necessary but not sufficient to heal and transition America… .” She echoes the views of many Christians, and is concerned deeply enough to write a book.
FB08 – Listening… Hugh Segal on Basic Income for Canada
- Alleviation of poverty has both personal and economic implications for better health, higher levels of education, and general positive personal outcomes. Former Conservative senator, Hugh Segal calls for Universal Basic Income. How should Christians be assessing it?
FB07 – My Reads… What is Radical about Christmas?
- Sojourners “tell it like it is,” both culturally and scripturally. In this article, John Gehring views Christmas as a form of Christian radicalism.
FB06 – Listening… The Life of Chief Rabbi Sacks, Remembered
- Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks passed recently, after a life committed to peace and reconciliation. Drawing from the well-spring of his own Jewish faith, he established friendship and trust across religious and secular. He shares his views on CBC Tapestry.
FB05 – My Reads… The Reason for God, by Timothy Keller
- Many Christians follow the writings and podcasts of Timothy Keller, pastor of an immensely successful ministry to young professionals in New York City. In dialogue with inquisitive and skeptical minds, he frequently finds points of agreement with critics as first steps in exploring more the practical value of faith.
FB04 – My Reads… A Time for Common Grace
- Common Grace is a biblical teaching of moral awareness and potential for positive moral action of all people created in the image of God. While many question the perspectives and integrity of the “others” in our divided world, this article is a focus on positive potential outcomes of the recent US election.
FB03 – My Views… Christian Teaching for a Divided Community
- The Falls Church, Virginia, is a dynamic ministry to high-ranking government people from both wings of political spectrum. I enjoy the in-depth biblical teaching of rector, Sam Ferguson.
FB02 – My Reads… Firewater by Harold R. Johnson
- A Saskatchewan Cree lawyer and crown prosecutor details his perspective on the scourge of alcohol addiction within his own ethnic communities. He places the need for addressing the problem effectively in the hands of First Nations people themselves. Although Christianity is mentioned as a path for some, his strategies for healing are rooted in his own culture.
FB01 – My Reads… Faith and Work article by Molly Worthen
- Molly Worthen (NY Times contributor) writes on topics of relevance to the practice of Faith in Society. She describes here initiatives on issues of equality in America, specifically efforts to create innovative work opportunities for marginalized groups.
First published: 2021/02/19
Latest revision: 2022/05/13