Creating the Settlement Group
A personal role
In the midst of the recent pandemic I became aware of the need of Sam and his family and the promotion of their cause with the Christian organizations, Northern Lights Canada (NLC). Initial sponsors to this refugee case are scattered, including Ontario, in Britain, and possibly elsewhere as anonymous donors. Amazingly, all required funds have been raised to meet Canadian requirements. Now, we need a Group of 5 to complete this task. But donors are scattered and are connected only online. I am personally offering to make an appeal here in Regina for Christians with a heart for this type of humanitarian ministry to bring successful closure to this project.
Two of us, minor local sponsors, are octogenarians. We are limited in our capacity but still supportive of this appeal to create a local Group of 5.
While Sam could be settled anywhere in Canada, I am not aware of any other settlement group functioning so far in support of Sam and family. Sam has been informed of our attempt to settle him in Regina and has become very interested in the potential for a new life here.
Initial successes
Much of the initial success of fundraising can be credited to our refugee applicant, Sam Afzal. Sam has worked hard from his location in Thailand as he has scoured the internet, established contacts, registered his need with Northern Lights Canada, and generally attracted the commitment of others to take needed steps to relocate his family. Of critical importance to our fund-raising success is Sally Holligan, in Britain, who has a history of effectively securing funding for refugees. Through her efforts, funds are now secured to fulfill all fundraising required by Immigration Canada. Success at this first step is now a inspiration for others of us to complete the task as soon as possible.
Regina as potential settlement location.
Elsewhere I’m pulling together a description of Regina, including a few pictures and discussion of life in Regina. Link here.
While Toronto and Vancouver are often first choices for new immigrants to Canada, Regina has its own attractions for immigrants from abroad. Housing costs are lower. Our sense of community is stronger.
Forming the settlement/sponsorship group
The settlement/sponsorship group must have the commitment of at least five individuals, each separately approved, collectively agreeing to ensure success in the settlement of Sam and family for a period of one year after arrival. This Group of 5, once formed, completes the required steps in applying for sponsorship with the competent assistance of Northern Lights Canada. We then wait for documents to be issued and for Sam and family to arrive in Regina. On arrival, the family is immediately granted permanent residence and will have full rights to all government services and freedom to pursue employment.
When filing the application, most all of the funds will be in place to provide housing and living expenses for this first year. Depending upon donations of household items and the lower local costs for housing, there may be little need for the G5 group raise additional funds to meet unforeseen settlement needs. Federal support for the family by way of the Child Benefit Allowances will be part of family support. Sam will need to get his driver’s license and the family will need a car once Sam is established with his own employment and readiness to take over care of his family.
My strategy in forming a Group of 5.
In terms of priority, I’m proceeding as follows:
- Attempt to interest a local church in the settlement process, where the core G5 group members would be mostly drawn from a church community and thus able to welcome the family not only to Regina but also into Christian fellowship as well.
- Alternatively, we could proceed to solicit the commitment of five or more individuals independently of any specific church commitment.
I’m prepared to give a presentation to any group that might be willing to explore the potential for this type of local ministry.
Meanwhile, I’ll attempt to keep donors and others informed of our progress.
Prepared by Ron Richmond, on behalf of the NLC donors and related supporters.
First published: 2022/07/31
Latest revision: 2022/08/01