FB01- Faith and Work by Molly Worthen
At a time when Christians feel they must find their place in the Public Square and bring their message to bear, many of us worry about both the message being broadcast and the means by which it is being done.
Readiness to hear and listen lies not simply with the audience but also with the speaker who understands where the audience is at. As learners we build incrementally on that which we already “know” (believe). Connections and new understanding (meaning) flow from there.
I much appreciate the skills of a number of excellent writers in this regard.
Molly Worthen is one. She writes from time to time for the NY Times and recently I heard her speak on CBC Ideas (to be discussed another time).
For now, I recommend her column on Faith and Work as it connects with the current issues of equality in America. She describes a growing movement among faith-based groups from across the political spectrum to find meaningful and faithful engagements in building for the common good. It has a special appeal to the young. She cites book and organizations that promote this vision.
I recommend this read: What Would Jesus Do about Inequality? It carries the byline: The faith and work movement wants to bend the gospel back toward economic justice.
You may find other NY Times articles by Molly Worthen at:
First published on Facebook Page (My Reads and Views):
First published here: 2021/02/13
Alternate links:
Opinion | What Would Jesus Do About Inequality? – The New York Times (nytimes.com)
First published: 2021/02/13