FB16 – Life and Legacy of John Stott by John Wyatt
Evangelicalism is under fire these days. Many, both within and without the movement, question the recent directions taken by some American church leaders. But, Evangelicalism has an interesting history with significant developments worldwide and with diverse leadership and styles.
It’s my intention to post here some perspectives on Evangelicalism that differ from the recent popular portrayal.
The Rev John Stott was the outstanding leader of British Evangelicalism, and has had an outstanding influence on the development of Christianity worldwide. In April 2021 the centenary of his birth was celebrated by a webinar produced by the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity (LICC). Stott’s ability to relate and communicate stands in sharp contrast to so much of what is the current image of evangelicals in the popular North American media.
As a guest of the webinar, Dr John Wyatt, Prof Emeritus of the University College London and President of the UK Christian Medical Fellowship, reflects on the Life and Legacy of John Stott. Skip to the segment starting at 24:00 for his 30 min presentation.
First published on Facebook Page (My Reads and Views)
First published here: 2021/12/08