Refugee Help
Sam Afzal is a Pakistani refugee, displaced from his native country due to religious persecution. He and his family are now located in Thailand. Our Regina community has given much support to his cause, including development of local support to bring Sam and family to Regina. Please read and respond as you might find appropriate.
The amazing story on Sam’s appeal for support internationally and the success in fund-raising and applying for emigration to Canada as a refugee is detailed below. What appears at the top here are the most recent updates to this saga. For original online appeal for support, view here:
Northern Lights Canada – Christians at Risk
Update on our Refugee Project — December 2024
Much has happened since our last report, including:
- Processing “biometrics” by the Canadian Embassy in Thailand
- People of Concern — a service to fellow-refugees by Sam and his friend, Shahid
- Our continuing, and expanded, interim financial help
- Our government’s decision to place a pause on new refugee applications
- Emergency financial assistance help
- A Christmas Gift now transferred
See full report here: Update on our Refugee Project — December 12, 2024
Special Summary Report — November 2024
In his own words, Sam recounts events as a refugee in Bangkok, Thailand.
Life as a Refugee — Sam and Nipa, November 2024
Update on our Refugee Project — October 1, 2024
- We finally have our G-number (a file is set up, after these many months) indicating our application is in process. The wait continues.
- With Nipa’s work, and current support levels, the family is seriously struggling.
- Family has moved to lower-cost accommodation.
- An appeal for those you can, to come alongside with added “interim financial support.”
Details on this and more is included in our most recent mail-out, available here:
Update on Sam and family in Bangkok as of 2024 10 01.pdf
Update on our Refugee Project with Sam, Nipa and family — August 2024
- Our new support group is in place
- After an 18-month wait, our refugee family now has a file number; we can track progress
- Interim support is promised by local and international supporters as the family awaits
- Nipa, wife to Sam and mother of four children, is working 6.5 days per week to support her family
- Hoping to have a Canadian friend from Regina to visit the family in Bangkok in just a few weeks.
A more complete update on the above, as mailed recently to formal supporters plus additional friend of the project, is available here:
Update on our Refugee Project with Sam, Nipa and family — August 2024
- We are in the process of restructuring our G5 group. Documents need to be filed with Canada Immigration to approve new sponsors. This may take a few weeks, but we are in a holding pattern and no changes in status are foreseen.
- Meanwhile, local supporters including and beyond the new sponsorship group are providing interim support to our family awaiting Immigration Canada processing of their application.
- Here is a video received recently from the family celebrating birthdays of the children. In the photo are Sam’s parents, now also in Bangkok as refugees after been forced out of business in Karachi by Islamic extremists.
- For a number of reasons, the original G5 group has chosen to withdraw from support of this project and has sought replacement.
- As long-term supporter of this project, Ron Richmond has stepped forward to rebuild the G5 group. We are anxious to proceed expeditiously and are circulating the following: Sam Refugee G5 Appeal.
- Sam and family found adequate support locally and from abroad throughout 2023. Unable to take employment under threat of re-imprisonment, the local church community helped, as did supporting friends in Canada and the UK. We are immensely grateful.
- But, family in Karachi who had earlier given Sam and family support experienced excessive persecution (as detailed below) causing them to take the life-changing decision to likewise flee Pakistan under threats of violence and destruction of local businesses
Sam’s Report on Current Persecution of Christians in Pakistan, Now Affecting His Own Family (July/August 2023)
Effects on Sam of the International Crisis over recent Quran burnings
Sam’s Reports on Local Persecutions Affecting His Family Still In Pakistan
Current and Continuing Support Needs for Sam and Family
Further to needs identified earlier (see items below), here is the latest status update of support being provided to Sam and family:
- Sam is prevented from taking local employment to support himself and family
- The option of online business activity with foreign companies, used effectively in the past, has dried up since the Covid crisis. Sam must be extremely careful to not overstep his bail conditions.
- A local Thai-sponsored church has recently allowed Sam and family to move onto the church-rented premises, providing much better living space at reduced rent. Sam now has some responsibilities for care of the facilities. This is an outreach church ministry to Urdu-speaking community, most of whom are refugees, also.
- But Sam and family still need $1000 CAD per month to survive with three children in school now.
- One of our major donors, Sally and others in the UK, has provided by far the bulk of support over the past six months in sustaining Sam and family. She needs relief.
- Although we in Regina, have offered to provide local assistance in settlement for Sam and family, we have not established an effective support base otherwise for Sam locally. There is now a critical need to bring some relief to other supporters of Sam as he awaits the processing of his immigration and granting of visa to land in Canada.
- I (Ron) am actively attempting to approach a church group which might be willing to assume a good chunk of this $1000/mo support currently needed.
- As this process continues, individuals willing to offer donations should contact Ron (details at bottom of this page)
A reflection on “the good you can do”
Critical Developments (Update of 2023/02/18)
I am personally recovering from some illness that has severely limited my reporting of events here. Some of the inner circle, however, have had access to two of the three reports that I am now able to post for the interest of our wider audience.
Critical support needs — Sam and family
Update on Sam’s Personal Survival Projects
A No-Apology Appeal for Sam and Family
Sam is released on bail (Update of 2023/01/01)
Sam is released on a bond, with money paid by one of our UK-based supporters. As of Wednesday, December 28, Sam is now home. He has a story to tell of his prison experience but, for now, he has other priority needs to address.
Sam and Nipa currently have a critical need for support in recovering from this ordeal. I will share details of this below, but first let me share the positive outcomes.
Within the positive context of all of this, there remains problems of support for Sam and family as he awaits immigration approval and departure. Sam will continue to have needs to ensure survival of his family under continuing harsh life conditions.
But Sam also has an immediate need. The three weeks stay in prison has taken a toll on the family. Nipa was forced to travel significant distances on a number of occasions to the court and to the points of Sam’s detention. While children were in school daily, she found it difficult to secure other care for children at home during her absence. Left without supervision, some accidental damage occurred affecting both the cooling fans and refrigerator. The cost for these and other minor expenses incurred during this time means that Sam and Nipa require immediate one-time funds to get back into their normal life routine.
I am appealing to friends here to help meet this immediate need of a further $600 CAD (15,000 Thb).
Can you help Sam on this? Please contact me, Ron (306.591.3936), on how to share in this relief for Sam and family.
Sam arrested in Bangkok (Updated 2022/12/13)
Our refugee friend, Sam, was picked up by police in Bangkok on Sunday and, with friends, awaits a court hearing and sentencing. His “crime” is his attempt to eke out survival for himself, his wife Nipa, and their four children as they await successful sponsorship to Canada as refugees. It appears at the moment that Sam and friends were simply on the streets coming home from their local church that caters to Urdu-speaking minorities.
Thailand does not recognize their status as UN-approved refugees. People in Thailand awaiting processing as refugees (in Sam’s case from death-threats and beatings in Pakistan) are simply identified as illegal aliens and may be picked up if found on the streets at any time.
This is the third time Sam has been detained in his nine-year stay in Thailand. (Two other friends and family members were likewise detained this time.)
Click to view in larger format.
Sam’s message, received early Wednesday morning on Facebook:
Please pray for the other 2 families as well, who got arrested with me, one family has 3 children but their father is with us, while the other family has 2 girls, and both parents are with us. Those 2 girls are in the children’s cell, the mother is in the adult’s cell and the father is with us.
Sam’s case has been documented on this website for some months. Initial fundraising (as required by Immigration Canada) is complete as is the application now done by the Group of 5 headed by Stan/Mary Klassen here in Regina. We await final review and formal submission of the application by Northern Lights Canada who is overseeing this process for Sam and family. (A record of progress on fundraising and refugee application appears below.)
One of our faithful donors has already transferred 15,000 baht (close to $600 CAD) to address the expected cost of bail. However this works out, Sam will continue to be a marked man in Bangkok with almost impossible odds to create his own income to support his family. In past years, Sam has relied on sporadic media production for international companies working in Thailand with further backup from family in Pakistan and local church and aid agencies in Bangkok. All of this is highly unstable, compounded by the Covid epidemic, devastating floods in Pakistan, and the severe limitations of local aid available from Thai sources.
What can we do?
While we await processing of the refugee application for Sam and family, I (Ron Richmond) am attempting to publicize this case with family and friends to raise sufficient funds month by month to provide interim support for the family. Success is within reach, but there are significant financial needs to keep this family afloat as they await approval and welcome here in Canada.
Our appeal is for a few more donors to come forward with commitments at the level of $50 or $100 for just a few months, or even as one-time donations. For more details on how this is being managed, please contact me at
Update of 2022/10/14…
We are pleased to announce that the required Group of 5 has been formed here in Regina to oversee the welcoming and settlement of our refugee family to Regina. The group, headed by Stan and Mary Klassen, is a home-based Christian study group consisting of former international students who are now rising to the challenge of providing Christian hospitality and community service to others in need. We recognize and appreciate their commitment.
It may take a few weeks to get documents in order for filing with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Actual arrival of the family will be some months still in the future. We will keep friends updated here of further related needs and continuing developments.
Quick overview of the project (revised)…
This is a three-step approach to private sponsorship, facilitated by Northern Lights Canada (NLC), a Christian NGO operating online with volunteer helpers.
- Step 1 is screening/acceptance of a UN-certified refugee applicant from overseas. NLC provides oversight of all aspects of the process, including online promotion of the project, crowd-funding approach to fundraising, security and advisement on the application process.
- Step 2 is the active fund-raising, headed up by an online sponsorship group.
- Step 3 commences when funds have been raised, a Group of 5 assumes responsibility for settlement in Canada, and the family arrives in Canada and is given support for the first 12 months.
See details and links below for the full story and earlier developments.
Video: In his own words… (2022 10 01)
Sam briefly describes the circumstances leading to his decision to leave Pakistan and seek refugee status abroad, plus some details of difficulties surviving with partner and family in Bangkok. The video was received just a few days ago:
Invitation to form Settlement Group (2022 09 06)…
Bringing a refugee family to Regina involves a number of steps, many of which are now in place for Sam, Nipa, and family. This is the final and culminating step of efforts by Ron and others locally and abroad. We need five Regina volunteers (Group of 5) to step forward.
Invitation to assist with refugee settlement – RRVista…
Update of 2022 07 31…
I am delighted to announce that all the required funding is now promised by donors to allow us to initiate the next steps in bringing this family to Regina. This will involve formation of a local Support Group to arrange all matters for settlement as soon as possible.
Details of this next phase can be found here:
Creating the Sponsorship Group – RRVista…
First phase and original appeal is now completed…
Family requiring support…
Forced out of Pakistan
Sam left Pakistan in 2013 with his business destroyed, beatings and threats to his life, and following the murder of a cousin all as a result of religious strife. Born into a Christian family, Sam conducted a thriving business in printing and media. As his business prospered and became better known he was subjected to extortion by local extremists to the point where he could not survive in business. Suffering beatings and blackmail and fearing for his life he made his way to Thailand where he is registered with the UN as a refugee.
Survival difficulties in Thailand
Thailand does not recognize refugee claimant status. Sam’s attempts to survive and support himself in Bangkok have led to imprisonment and beatings since he is considered an unwanted alien. The recent Covid lock-down has also impacted the ability of both he and his wife to find employment and survive. Some months ago they were locked out by their landlord for rent arrears and, with the assistance of an aid agency, survived for a time in a one-room apartment in Bangkok.
A recognized refugee with the UN
Recognized as a Refugee for International Protection by the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) in Thailand, Sam is simply one among thousands seeking resettlement abroad. Refugees there who rely only on UN assistance commonly wait 10 years for resettlement.
Wife and family in Bangkok
Sam took a Thai wife (Nipa) early into his life in Bangkok. Her knowledge of local language and culture has been a great asset to his survival and attempts at business. They now have four children, the oldest in grade one. They are active in a local Urdu-speaking Christian church, and currently receive limited support from family and charity groups.
Sam’s Resourcefulness
Meanwhile, Sam and his wife are attempting to be resourceful in using online strategies to develop income and explore ways to speed up the immigration process. Earlier this year Sam discovered Northern Lights Canada, a major refugee support group operating out of Toronto. NLC has chosen to promote Sam and his family and facilitate fundraising.
Sam has good English, and is attempting to support himself through development of an online business with the International community. It is risky, sporadic at best, and currently not adequate to provide adequate support to his family. As a refugee in Thailand, he has no status and lives in fear of arrest.
Need for us in Canada to step forward
I have personally learned much about Sam and his family over the past few weeks, and have committed to giving them as much help as possible. After months of raising support, we are now in the final stages of welcoming this family to Canada.
Original appeal (as of September, 2021)… Completed.
Your contribution, whether a lot or just a little, is a significant step forward for Sam and his family.
Crowd-funding can have amazing results as each one chooses to share just a part of the burden. Northern Lights Canada uses the approach to facilitate fundraising as a step towards resettlement in Canada.
For more information on how to join with others to bring this family to Canada, please follow links below and contact me on other practical steps to give support.
Sam’s Family Project, as promoted by NLC and
Northern Lights Canada – Christians at Risk
Christian at Risk | Chuffed | Non-profit charity and social enterprise fundraising
Donate Here — NOW CLOSED
Funding procedures for Sam and family — NOW CLOSED
Regina contact…
Prof Ron Richmond
Phone: 306.591.3936
First published: 2021/09/02
Latest revision: 2024/10/02