Update on our Refugee Project — December 12, 2024

Hello Friends of our Sam and Family Refugee Project.

Much has happened since our last report.

Processing of biometrics: a major step forward.  Sam and Nipa have now completed the filing of all required documents with the Canadian Embassy in Bangkok.  This includes processing and confirmation of passports, names, addresses and so on.   Next will be medical check-ups.  One time-line suggests that these actions commonly occur just four months in advance of arrival in Canada.  Will it work that way for this family?  Not at all sure.

People of Concern.  As last reported, TV Thomas visited Sam and his friend, Shahid, in mid-September.  Both of these Pakistani Christians had attended a Christian bible school (Theophilus Bible School) in Pakistan and TV was acquainted with their professor there.  Shahid  served as a pastor in Pakistan for some years before being forced out and taking up refugee status, like Sam, in Bangkok.  An outcome of this meeting with TV appears to be the launching of a People of Concern project by Sam and Shahid to provide needed support to fellow refugees.  Stories of persecution are now being developed for others in good English for presentation the UNHCR for more efficient and effective processing to confirm official refugee status.  Here is an early document describing the first eleven families in the project.    More are now being added.  It is filling a critical need, and providing a sense of hope.  Much more needs to be done for these families, but formal approval by UNHCR is a first step in being properly identified as a worthy refugee.

Interim family living support.  As a result of an appeal that went out earlier this fall, an additional $50/month is now going each month to help keep this family keep afloat and children in school.  Some details were provided in our last Update.  Faithful supporters are now providing $650 CAD per month.  We are all so grateful for this generosity.

Recent action by Immigration Canada.  A pause was placed last month on receiving any new applications for refugees to Canada.  This is positive for Sam and family.  The backlog of applications was horrendous, and staffing to process has been inadequate.  We waited almost 18 months for the application to be formally opened and filed with what they call a G-number.  Historically, this was completed in just a couple months or so.  Good for Sam, but a current disappointment for many other churches and groups sponsoring new refugees.  The backlog will be reduced during this pause.

Emergency financial.  On three occasions over the past two years, some special needs have arisen.  Sam needed to replace an old computer.  He had a motorbike repair to finance. Most recently he had special costs relating to passport matters for Nipa, a new phone screen for Sam, and a once-yearly schooling charge for the children.  As with other needs, we simply make these matters known, and are very pleased when someone is willing to provide, in this case $150, to cover the cost.  May God continue to bless.

Giving with thoughts of children at Christmas.  With no specific expectations of response, we encouraged Regina friends to set aside something to send the family as a Christmas gift.  An amount of $300 CAD was collected, sent, and now confirmed as received.  This came to them as an unexpected gift in the best traditions of Christmas giving.  Thank you, again.

Again, thank you to all who follow this project with prayers and giving.

as chair of our Group of 7 sponsors.