FB11 – Gaining Wisdom from the Society of Friends

The Quakers were a major “non-conformist” group that fled the intolerance of one-time British Christendom. Their dreams and lifestyle helped shape early America, its constitution, and liberal democracy.

Recently I stumbled upon a listing of lifestyle “advices” for members of the Society. Grounded in the Christian faith, there is much practical wisdom here. Practicing grace may account for the significant influence they achieved in shaping early America, probably far more effective than their numbers alone would suggest.

They valued serious reflection, respect for the views of others, quiet and sustained dialogue, and consensus development. I find them an inspiration to godly living and positive social discourse.

I reproduce below just the first five recommendations from a total of forty-two:

  1. Take heed, dear Friends, to the promptings of love and truth in your hearts. Trust them as the leadings of God whose Light shows us our darkness and brings us to new life.
  2. Bring the whole of your life under the ordering of the spirit of Christ. Are you open to the healing power of God’s love? Cherish that of God within you, so that this love may grow in you and guide you. Let your worship and your daily life enrich each other. Treasure your experience of God, however it comes to you. Remember that Christianity is not a notion but a way.
  3. Do you try to set aside times of quiet for openness to the Holy Spirit? All of us need to find a way into silence which allows us to deepen our awareness of the divine and to find the inward source of our strength. Seek to know an inward stillness, even amid the activities of daily life. Do you encourage in yourself and in others a habit of dependence on God’s guidance for each day? Hold yourself and others in the Light, knowing that all are cherished by God.
  4. The Religious Society of Friends is rooted in Christianity and has always found inspiration in the life and teachings of Jesus. How do you interpret your faith in the light of this heritage? How does Jesus speak to you today? Are you following Jesus’ example of love in action? Are you learning from his life the reality and cost of obedience to God? How does his relationship with God challenge and inspire you?
  5. Take time to learn about other people’s experiences of the Light. Remember the importance of the Bible, the writings of Friends and all writings which reveal the ways of God. As you learn from others, can you in turn give freely from what you have gained? While respecting the experiences and opinions of others, do not be afraid to say what you have found and what you value. Appreciate that doubt and questioning can also lead to spiritual growth and to a greater awareness of the Light that is in us all.

To review the full document (Appendix A): https://quaker.ca/cympublicati…/organization-and-procedure/…

First published on Facebook Page (My Reads and Views): https://www.facebook.com/RonInRegina/posts/94376155764610/

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First published here: 2021/02/18