FB09 – On the Morning After the DC Insurrection
Sojourners Voice of the Day reads:
- “Sound government is necessary but not sufficient to heal and transition America. Only we the people can bring our communities together, tend to our wounds, and do the labor of reckoning, reimagining, and remaking our nation, block by block, heart to heart.” (Valarie Kaur)
My first reaction is that this is a great vision for America (and for all of us), but wishing is of little value if the problem is not analyzed to identify contributing factors and corrective action is not taken. Where has America gone wrong? More importantly for some of us, what has been the role of Christians in all of this? What needs to happen within the Community of Christ-Followers to bring change and healing?
In pondering this, I did a search for Valarie Kaur and learned the following:
“She is the founder of the Revolutionary Love Project. Kaur’s debut book, See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love, was published in June 2020.” (It’s on Amazon.ca in paperback for CA$22.50)
I intend to learn more.
May God bless her efforts, but such blessings often come through those who claim to know and love God and choose to learn more deeply and become positively engaged.
First published on Facebook Page (My Reads and Views):
First published here: 2021/02/19